Our Teeny Tiny Problem

We often want to add facilities to our bathrooms such as a nice new walk in shower.

However, in the UK we have a problem.

Our houses are tiny!

UK House sizes

Plus, this is often compounded by not making the best use of our space!

bad planning

Most of the time, when space is tight, you can re-jig things to add facilities if you plan the space properly.

Other times, things just won’t fit!

things dont always fit

In these instances you may have to think outside the box.

It’s not always possible, but sometimes (depending on the layout of your house) you can rob some space from an adjoining room in order to add facilities to your bathroom.

PS (Here’s a previous job where we used this approach to split a house bathroom into a bathroom & master en suite.)

Case Study

‘Borrowing’ Some Space Off An Adjoining Bedroom For A Shower

Design, Planning & Advice

bath before

Before the bathroom had no shower due to a bath situated under a sloping ceiling.

lac of storage before

It also had no storage….

space robbed from bedroom for bathroom

So we planned to utilise some of the bedroom to fit in a large shower that would fit wall to wall within the new bathroom….

intended shower position in bedroom

This would make the most of the available head height, and also didn’t compromise the bedroom layout much at all.


After we’d helped our customer plan the layout we helped them to procure everything they needed:

  • suite items
  • tiles
  • flooring
  • etc


Then we installed everything for them:

bathroom unit leeds

And here you can see the shower that we created by borrowing space from the adjoining bedroom….

shower added to bathroom by stealing space

(and we utilised the depth of the new wall to add a little storage nook…)

Shower niche tiling

Here’s what it looked like from the bedroom:

Space stolen from bedroom for shower

You’d never know it wasn’t always like this!

Why not see what’s possible by speaking to someone who’s done literally hundreds of installations for people just like you?

Schedule your FREE Bathroom Consultation Today!


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