New bathroom Leeds

Hey, want to know how much a brand new bathroom is going to set you back?

Well, the answer is a firm…

Oh no, hang on, that’s not how it works.

The question is poorly phrased (sorry!) as it is similar to asking ‘How much does a car cost?’

Well, a brand new Dacia Sandero can be yours for only £6K, whereas an Aston Martin will set you back over £100,000!

It’s not to say that the Dacia Sandero is ‘bad’ – it’s just that you would not compare the two or expect the same from the Dacia as from the Aston Martin when it comes to performance.

That’s why James Bond doesn’t roll in a Dacia.

In a similar way, bathroom installation costs vary massively relative to the:

  1. The amount of work involved & the STANDARD of that work
  2. The amount of materials used & the QUALITY of those materials

Small bathroom refresh can be done for under £1K and may only involve a new suite and some plumbing work, whereas full scale refurbishments with top-quality materials can cost over £10K.

These high-end installations may include lots of upfront design & planning work, council applications, and the co-ordination (project management) of many skilled tradesmen covering lots of disciplines e.g. plumbing, tiling, plastering, joinery, floor laying, painting, gas, electrics etc.

Most installations lie somewhere in the middle, depending on the level of work required.

PS I’ve written these costings guides to help you out:

Ok, so I’ve not really answered your question yet and I bet you’re thinking:

“Ok then, I’ll get a quote or two, then I just pick the cheapest one that can start tomorrow, right?”


There’s a difference between cost & value.

Firstly, the cheapest price is not necessarily the best, and it may not even be the cheapest when all is said and done!

Very low estimates, tendered by tradesmen on the back of fag packets (or even verbally) in order to secure the work against competing quotes often lead to costs being added on for ‘extras’ as the work progresses.

If you disagree in paying these ‘extra costs’ you may be waving goodbye to your fitters with your existing suite probably smashed up in a skip in your front garden…oh dear, no facilities for you until you find someone else willing to take on a half-finished job!

This is how 50% of BBC’s ‘Cowboy Builders’ disputes arise.

Secondly, high-quality workmanship, which may ‘cost’ more because it takes longer to do things correctly, represents good value as it ensures a quality bathroom installation that will last for years.

(For example, I write about how I fit baths correctly.)

Bad workmanship, which may ‘cost’ less, may represent poor value if your bath falls through your kitchen ceiling which necessitates work being re-done at greater expense (and mess, stress, damage and destruction!) at a later date.

PS Putting things right at a later date often costs 3 or 4x the amount it would have originally cost so get it done right 1st time!

This is how the other 50% of BBC’s ‘Cowboy Builders’ disputes arise!

Also, if people are available immediately, they’re probably not in much demand and this doesn’t bode well!

Be realistic & willing to wait for quality tradesmen – decent tradesmen who are good at their job are not going to be the cheapest around or the most readily available (because they’re good at what they do and therefore in demand remember!)

I hope this helps in some, way, don’t forget to check out the links to the guides above.


“P.S. If you have any questions at all about your bathroom remodel, feel free to email me directly. I have experience in literally every type of bathroom renovation you can imagine, and I’m here to help!”

(I’ll even give you 5 hidden costs to look out for so you’ll be one step ahead of the game!)

What We Do

We install quality bathrooms, en suites and downstairs WCs from start to finish, with all the bits in between taken care of.

We provide advice and guidance during a free site survey, and we have a blog with lots of articles that cover frequently asked questions and show you examples of our recent work.

We install bathrooms from start to finish, supplying all the necessary trades and project managing the whole process, so you don’t have to!

We work to detailed, itemised estimates with fixed costs, so you can budget properly without fear of unexpected skyrocketing prices.

Our focus is on doing a proper job for a fair price in a reasonable time – see here for more info or contact me for a quote.

Download our free information pack below

Download our free information pack below

You’re told that you should “ALWAYS get 3 quotes” before starting building work. Unless you know what it is that you’re comparing, this is COMPLETELY pointless!