This article will help you to decide which flooring option is going to suit your bathroom installation project. It will consider factors such as cost, durability, suitability and ease of installation.


Bathroom Flooring Options - Tiled Mosaics

Bathroom Flooring Options - Tiled Quartz

Bathroom Flooring Options - Tiled Porcelain

Bathroom Flooring Options - Tiled Marble

Bathroom Flooring Options - Tiled Ceramic



Bathroom tiles don’t attract dirt or give off odours & are easy to wipe clean. Tile grouts & silicons are available with anti-bacterial qualities.


Floor tiles don’t harbour dust or mites like carpet so are a good choice for allergy sufferers and those with asthma.


Tiles don’t fade and porcelain tiles will last longer than alternative options if laid correctly.


Tiles can withstand the everyday splashes that come with a bathroom environment.

Good value

If correctly installed, a tiled floor will last for years and years.


Vast choice of bathroom tile designs & types – ceramic, porcelain, marble, slate etc.

See my other articles for more information on tiling a bathroom floor.



Bathroom tiles can be cold underfoot – can be remedied by underfloor heating.


Correct subfloor preparation is essential leading to higher material & installation costs than other alternatives.


Some floor tiles can be slippery when wet – use special textured floor tiles to remedy this.


Bathroom floor tiles are not recommended for those with joint problems.


Very unsympathetic to sub-floors that deflect under load.


Light-coloured grouts on floors can become dirty quickly – use a darker grout if possible.

See Tiling on wooden floors – prep for more information.

See my article on choosing tiles for your bathroom.

Typical price for 4m2 bathroom floor (supply & fit including subfloor preparation & grouting) £320+

Price is largely dependent on the tiles chosen e.g. ceramic floor tiles start from £15/m2 and porcelain or stone tiles may be £35/m2 +. Then there are the costs of preparing the subfloor and laying the tiles to consider.

Ceramic tile flooring is usually the cheapest tiling option.

Laminate flooring

If using laminate, only ever use specially designed ‘for bathrooms’ laminates, and bear in mind the AC rating which goes from unrated (poor quality) to AC 5 (commercial grade excellent quality)

e.g. Quickstep Laguna & Aquastep

Bathroom Flooring Options - Aquastep



These laminates are easy to wipe clean & are mould-resistant.


Laminate doesn’t retain dust or mites like carpet so is a good choice for allergy sufferers and those with asthma.


Quickstep Laguna has sealed surfaces and rubber joints to deal with humidity issues. Aquastep is made from resin (not wood) and boasts 0% swelling in moisture-laden environments. This makes it the best choice for bathrooms in my opinion.

Quick installation

Fitting both recommended laminates is a glue-less process, requiring no over-boarding, that allows both to be immediately walked on after fitting. Aquastep can be installed immediately without having to acclimatise to current conditions and can be lifted and re-laid if necessary.


Bathroom laminate flooring is generally warmer underfoot than floor tiles. Some can be used in conjunction with underfloor heating – check with the manufacturer.


Very contemporary design options are available e.g. ship-deck.


Aquastep can be fully recycled at the end of its natural life.



Quickstep Laguna must be carefully fitted to ensure excess humidity does not cause damage e.g. joining & gluing of cut rubber strips to ensure water-tightness.


Comparable costs to tiled floors. Do not buy cheap laminates for bathrooms: It is a false economy as it will not last!


Transmits more sound to the rooms below than cork or vinyl floors but Aquastep boasts 30% less sound transition due to its honeycomb internal structure when compared to other laminates.


Aquastep –
100% water-resistant flooring with 20-year warranty. Prices from £35/m2+ underlay & fitting.

Typical price for 4m2 bathroom floor (supply & fit including underlay) – £300+

Vinyl flooring (sheet vinyl)

Bathroom Flooring Options - Vinyl Flooring

Bathroom Flooring Options - Vinyl Flooring



Vinyls don’t attract dirt as they have no grout lines and are easy to wipe clean.NB Smooth surface vinyls have fewer ‘grooves’ in which to trap dirt than textured surfaces often found in wood effect vinyls – bear this in mind if buying online and you don’t get to ‘feel’ the vinyl before buying.No specialist cleaners are required – only a soap solution and mop.


Vinyls don’t harbour dust or mites like carpet so is a good choice for allergy sufferers and those with asthma.


Vinyl flooring can withstand everyday splashes that come with a bathroom environment. Edges can be sealed against the skirting with clear silicon.


Cheapest bathroom floor covering to fit.

Quick installation

The quickest floor to fit can be immediately walked on.


Vinyl flooring is generally warmer underfoot than tiles with no additional heat source.


Many design options are available from tiled to wooden floor effects. This means you can have the look of wood without any of the practical limitations associated with it (and for much less money).


Vinyl’s soft nature reduces the transmission of sound to the rooms below.


Not as durable

Bathroom vinyl flooring can be damaged by dropped items or stiletto heels.


Not seen as desirable when compared to some tiles due to its cheaper nature. Tramlines can appear through the vinyl if the floorboards underneath are not levelled out by nailing down the hardboard before fitting.


Cheaper vinyls can fade. Check this when buying.

Typical price for 4m2 bathroom floor (supply &fit including over-boarding with hardboard) – £140+

Bathroom Flooring Options - Damaged Vinyl

Other information

For this article, I have not included vinyl tiles as I believe them to be cheap and not fit for purpose as any moisture leaching into the gaps between the tiles can cause problems.

Rubber bathroom flooring can also be fitted in a similar way to vinyl but prices start at £50/m2 + fitting, and it is recommended that floors need to be over-boarded with plywood 1st to give a smooth surface.

Cork flooring

Bathroom Flooring Options - Lacquered Cork Flooring



Cork flooring is environmentally friendly due to the way cork is harvested.

Hygienic & safe

Hypo-allergenic, fire & mould resistant.


IF finished with a high-quality lacquer (done at the manufacturing stage.)


Many design options are available.


Softer & warmer underfoot than tiles – dropped items won’t smash and will benefit those with joint pains or arthritis.

Easy installation

Similar to laminate flooring – some are also glued down.


Many contemporary designs are now available.


20-year warranty on better floors (often thicker – 10mm rather than 4mm).


Cork flooring’s soft nature reduces the transmission of sound to the rooms below.



Floorboards should be over-boarded with 6mm ply before fitting.


Special cleaners/sealers are needed to keep the lacquer in top condition.

Typical price for 4m2 bathroom floor (supply & fit including over-boarding with 6mm ply) – £260

Not advised


The carpet retains bathroom moisture and can rot and smell.

The carpet around a toilet is also not hygienic, particularly when males are present, and it is harder to keep clean.

Consider cork or vinyl instead for a warm, soft feel or gel-backed carpets as a last resort.

Bathroom Flooring Options - Gel Backed Carpet

Solid wood flooring

Moisture or spills in your bathroom will cause solid wood to expand and contract leading to buckling and floor failure – Use wood effect vinyls or bathroom-specific laminates such as Aquastep instead.

Bathroom Flooring Options - Solid Wood

Standard laminates

These are not designed for humid bathroom environments!

Only use recommended bathroom laminates such as Quickstep Laguna or preferably Aquastep, and familiarise yourself with the pros and cons of these.

This is what happens to ‘standard’ laminates when water gets into them:

Bathroom Flooring Options - Flooded Laminate


As you can see there are a myriad of choices for bathroom flooring, so just decide on what is most important to you (i.e. budget, longevity, aesthetics) and use this comparison article to refine your choice.

If you have recently renewed your bathroom flooring and would like to leave a comment that you think could help other readers, then please leave it below.


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