All projects like yours go through the same process

3 Ways to Complete Projects

When people think about how they will carry out the work in their house they typically focus on the installation phase, and there are 3 main ways to accomplish this:

DIY (you do the work yourself)

Although the cheapest option, this approach is not viable for 90% of the population who lack the time, skills, tools, knowledge and / or experience to complete the work (assuming that the work ethic is there that is!)

Self-managing (you plan the work yourself, source your materials and then hire in the trades people required to execute.)

This is a great approach to save money IF you know what you’re doing (and if you haven’t been doing this for 15+ years like I have, why would you?)

Turnkey (you hire a specialist local company like (in Leeds) to do it all from the initial planning & procurement to the final installation.)

Hiring a turnkey company is definitely the *easiest* way to do it, but you pay for this privilege. (If you have had a quote to this effect then you will likely already know this.)

My Guru Guidance Roadmap helps you to self-manage your own project in order to save money & stress.

Cut out the middleman, manage your own project (properly) and save money - GUARANTEED.

Self-managing a project such as yours can undoubtedly save you lots of money (vs a turnkey supplier)… but only if you know what you’re doing!

Working with me will give you the skills & confidence to project manage your job and save thousands of pounds in the process.

I’m Chris, Director of UK Bathroom Guru and I’ve personally designed and installed 1000+ projects for customers just like you in properties just like yours.

Bathrooms, wetrooms, ensuites, downstairs toilets, bath to shower conversions etc.

I implemented our Guru Guidance service when I started advising people on their projects remotely over lockdown…

This way you can save a load of money without falling foul to any potential costly mistakes.

So, what EXACTLY do you get?

This is not just a design service.

Unlike many traditional ‘interior designers’ who charge 3x the rate I do to ‘design bathrooms’, my unique methodology doesn’t just produce pretty CAD renderings (although it does do that too)

It produces an end to end, all-encompassing online roadmap that increases the likelihood of project success several fold. You can view it on your phone, tablet or desktop & you can even print it out as a PDF.

Your Guru Guidance roadmap will be split down into 6 sections, each of which is designed to answer the who, what, when, where & how of your project…

Your plan

Rough ideas / plans are sketched out to show the layout of the new space & highlight general details to all involved:

Then, beautiful CAD renderings are supplied to show various views of the new room to further support the plan.

What's being done (a detailed scope of works)

A pretty plan or layout is pointless though if it is not properly defined.

So, I break down your scheme into a detailed ‘scope of works’ that you can use to better understand exactly what needs to happen to take your project from A to B.

Basically, this will take your amorphous ‘vision’ & translate it into ‘builder speak’ so your local trades can understand their role, where they fit in & allow them to accurately price their part of the job and ensure good communication between all stakeholders.

This document will help to ensure that there are no misunderstandings as to what’s being done (and by whom) and will control costings at the outset.

Do not underestimate the importance of this step in taking your vision and turning it into reality

Conflicts often occurs at trade crossover points whereby certain tasks fall ‘between’ 2 trades jurisdictions, so these potential tasks will be clarified here.

Major risks will be identified & plans will be put in place to mitigate these risks, so you aren’t sideswiped by cost increases, change orders and spiraling work schedules.

Your shopping list

I will also link to a shared database of items you will need to procure (suite items, tiles etc.) and note key requirements such as sizes, quantities, caveats & restrictions etc.

That way you know that what you pick will be suitable for your scope of work.

I will also provide some guidance with provisional costs, though these will depend on what you choose (there is a massive variance in suite items like basin vanities for example).

Your power team (who you need to succeed)

Once we have the work scope, I’ll compile a list of who you’ll need to hire (& consult with) locally to complete your project.

I’ll split down who you need into the following three areas…

1. Trades

PS You may need 6+ trades for a job such as yours.

I’ll also let you know where you can DIY (if you want) to save costs…

2. Suppliers

I’ll also introduce you to my nationwide suppliers so you can buy things from tried & tested sources at great prices

(you’ll probably make your investment back from this alone….)

3. 3rd Parties

Depending on your project there may be other parties involved in order to get your work done legally (more commonly with ensuites & the addition of new cloakrooms)

I’ll outline these here…

I’ll also note lead times and things that you need to do that maybe you don’t expect right now (sometimes up to 12 weeks before the start of the project!)

I’ll also tell you what risks you face as a homeowner and how to mitigate them with one 3rd party in particular (which can potentially land you with a large fine otherwise! I’ve experienced this twice but luckily, I know what I need to do to cover this off!)

Work sequencing

I can help ensure you sequence the work properly by producing a Gantt chart with specific reference to your job and the trades that you will need (based on our earlier discussions of your specific scope of work.)

This way you know when people need to come in to do their bit…

You wouldn’t build a brick wall before pouring the foundation (and if you did then you shouldn’t blame the bricklayer when the building collapses!)

Your trades will not save you.

You cannot lean on them for this – it is NOT their role.

It is your job (as default project manager) to ensure things are done in the right order.

This work schedule will help with that.

Execution Roadmap

So far, after only submitting your information and having a consultation call, you will have been provided with a great plan that:

  • solves your problems,
  • is technically feasible
  • works within your budgetary constraints
  • etc.

but this plan still needs to be EXECUTED (well).

This is where the UKBG Execution Roadmap comes in.

Because if you think you can get anyone in to execute your carefully crafted vision, you are solely mistaken.

Believe me, I know (if you’ve read my story)

It covers:

  • Where to find the best trades to assemble your power team from step 3
  • How to vet your trades
  • Mistakes you will make when hiring (and how to avoid them)
  • How to communicate your expectations to your power team
  • How to protect yourself by structuring the project correctly in terms of payments etc.
  • How to oversee the work & hold your trades to account

…in order to ensure that your vision is brought to life, and you’re not left disappointed.

Frequently asked questions

How does this service benefit me?

If you choose to self manage your project (with my help) instead of employing a turnkey supplier…

You are effectively cutting out the middleman.


And the payoff is huge.

You can save thousands of pounds.

I’m sure if I gave you £1500-£2000 you could come up with a good plan for it…

(and this is the least I would expect you to save – it could be much more if you live in central London for example)

What’s in it for you?

Because I love designing bathrooms!

I like listening to peoples issues then using my skills and experience to come up with a plan that works for them.

And my proprietary Guru Guidance roadmap has been developed over years and has delivered hundred of successful projects.

Having this virtual offering allows me to serve customers all over the UK and provides income to further grow the UK Bathroom Guru brand.

Plus, not everyone can afford to hire me and my team, and this service helps them to save money in the right way, without necessarily sacrificing the things that shouldn’t be sacrificed!

Will this work for me?

This service is ideal for semi-organised people willing to put in a few hours (of professionally guided) effort, in order to save A LOT of money.

(Don’t forget the guarantee to this affect)

You will also be required to take some photos on your phone and send these through with a rough hand-drawn dimensioned layout via a simple online portal (which can be done straight from your smartphone.)

What do I get?

You get:

  • to ask me anything related to your project
  • understand exactly what’s possible for your space
  • help with effective planning & layout (that will look great & actually be implementable too! Showroom plans & interior designer plans do not do this)
  • to learn all the tricks of the trade to produce a high-end finish on a budget
  • to know precisely what is involved in your particular scheme
  • to understand budgetary implications (vs your specific choices) and where you should (and shouldn’t) look to save money
  • to understand the team you will need to assemble based on the work scope
  • to know how long it will take & the disruption you will incur (so your expectations can be met)
  • to understand any legal permissions you will need or 3rd parties you may need to be involved with e.g. utility companies when relocating meters in downstairs cloakrooms, plus how to do this.
  • the best suite & tile items at the best prices – I can connect you with my trusted supply chain so you can buy high quality suite items (without breaking the bank) to ensure a long-lasting installation with good aftercare from the retailer
  • to save time and stress (this is worth the most – ask anyone who’s had a bad experience with builders before!)
  • a workable plan to mitigate the inherent risks present in your job related to hazardous materials, site protection, poor quality work, spiraling budgets, change orders, trade crossover disagreements etc.
How much does it cost?

That’s the best part…

Although I charge money up front for the service, you will end up spending less overall than you would with a turnkey supplier – and that’s a guarantee.

In fact…

I’m so confident in this offer that if I don’t save you at least £700 vs a competing turnkey quote when all’s said and done,

I’ll give you all your money back & pay you £50 on top for your trouble*

In other words, if I don’t save you double what you’ve paid me, then I will give you ALL your money back, plus a £50 Amazon voucher to say thanks for trying out the service.

So, for the:

  • Consultation call
  • Feasibility study (of the site, your requirements & budgetary constraints)
  • Plan / layout + CAD renderings < This (alone) is what showrooms, or interior designers can provide you
  • Scope of works
  • Contingencies
  • Risk mitigation strategy
  • Scope of work
  • Power team info (trades, suppliers & necessary 3rd parties / permits etc.)
  • Work sequencing
  • Supply chain contacts
  • Execution roadmap (how to source, vet & manage your trades plus common mistakes to avoid)

I only charge £350

PS Thats less money than interior designers charge to produce a ‘design’ that covers 1/12th of the list above, and for what is normally just a pointless pretty picture that may not even be technically achievable or work with your houses construction / heating system etc.

And don’t get me started on designers who design rooms with no understanding of how much it actually costs to deliver their drawings!

There’s no point painting yourself into a corner.

And don’t forget if I don’t save you double what you’ve paid me, then I will give you ALL your money back, plus a £50 Amazon voucher to say thanks for trying out the service.

T’s & C’s apply – see here

How can you save me money?

As well as saving you the ‘middleman fee’ (as mentioned above) we will also save you money by:

  • Breaking down the job in detail to ensure that EVERYTHING is accounted for at the outset.
  • Giving you an accurate tender document to ensure that all contractors bidding on the job know exactly what is expected of them so they do not have to price in any unknowns.
  • Clarifying roles and responsibilities with an accurate scope of work will also limit scope creep (where ‘additional work is billed for in addition to that agreed up front.)
  • Accurately predicting the contingencies that you may wish to factor in to your original budgeting.
  • Introducing you to our supply chain so that you can buy great quality materials at fair prices (so that the cost of ownership over the lifetime of your bathroom is the lowest it can be.)
  • Similarly, specifying the best quality fitting materials to ensure that you get the best results over the lifetime of your bathroom.
  • Ensuring you have a robust hiring system that eliminates the most costly of mistakes – hiring the wrong people which often leads to the work being done twice!
  • Structuring the project in such a way that you are not overly exposed to bad trades or suppliers going bust.
  • Managing risks (e.g. so you don’t get hit with a flytipping fine because you don’t know how to cover yourself from unscrupulous tradesmen (or waste disposal companies)

If you decide not to proceed with our (ultimately free) help

Isn’t this all too much work?

I understand.

It is certainly easier to employ a turnkey service like who do everything from start to finish…

(rather than being responsible for all the design / planning & procurement + installation oversight – even WITH our help)

But that comes at a cost..

So it depends on:

  • how much you want to get involved
  • how much time you have available
  • how much money you want to spend
  • what your stress levels can tolerate

AND how important updating your facilities actually is!

If it sounds like project managing the work yourself (even with our help) is too much work, and you can afford our turnkey offering (and live within an hour of Leeds)

…then you might consider employing ukbathroomguru on a turnkey basis!

Start here

What if I don’t want your (ultimately free) help?

No problems, I wish you well with your project!

And if you choose to self-manage your project without our Guru Guidance Roadmap then just make sure you know:

  • How to draw up your plan to visualise the finished product & identify (& eliminate) any potential issues with the plan (vs your house construction, heating system, space available, dynamic openings, etc.)
  • What contingencies you need to have in place and how to prevent scope creep and increasing job costs.
  • Exactly what work needs to be carried out (+ by whom).
  • What risks you face based on how you structure the project – turnkey vs you as project manager
  • How to effectively manage the trade crossover points (this is a big one where disagreements occur).
  • Who you need to source to carry out the work & who to hire 1st (and where to start)
  • Where you can procure all your items required and what are the effects if issues like this occur, and items need to be replaced (on your timeline for example).
  • What legal permissions you need and your obligations / liabilities as a homeowner regarding waste removal etc. (you don’t want a £50K fine due to not knowing how to cover yourself for example).
  • How you need to sequence the work & how long it’s likely to take so you can plan your bathing etc., and limit disruption.

Weeks on end without a toilet is no joke!

  • How you plan to enforce high working standards.
  • How payments are best structured, so you don’t get taken to the cleaners.

Step 1: Book a call & pay for the service.

Step 2:
I will request some information from you (photos etc.) and collect any other details I need before the call

Step 3:
We will hop on a Zoom / WhatsApp call to discuss your project in detail

Step 4:
Your roadmap will follow shortly thereafter

Step 5:
I will be around if you get stuck!

T’s & C’s apply – see here

Book a call

If you are ready to start working with me, the next step is to book in a call and pay for the service.

I can’t wait to help you achieve your project (and save you some time, money & stress)


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